We Don’t Need NO Education
By: Sanjin Muftić
Every work day, groups of school learners walk through the city squares: talking, teasing, listening to music, shouting and shoving. The country’s future citizens have finished another day of classes. What if this ‘horde’ is let loose - contaminating the city with their wants, desires and protests?
In We Don’t Need NO Education, acting students present a series of public interventions that unearth the conditions of the South African learner in today’s metropolitan society. Working in the realm of invisible theatre and flash mobs, the students inhabit the City, confronting passers-by with their honesty, brashness, and presence. At this time in our country’s history, many years since the student uprisings of 1976, does our youth know what they need? What can yesterday’s youth do for them today?
Performed by: CityVarsity Acting Department students.