Passages2: The Golden Peacock
By: Myer Taub
A treasure hunt using google earth and the four sequences of virtual clues that are presented daily during the festival.
First public announcement at festival. A visual clue which is an invite to Barmitzvah in Cape Town that is dated 1966 and also a Passage of Text from “Buckingham Palace” by Richard Rive. Then on Day One of the Festival. 12:00 pm, signal by the Sound of Cape Town’s Noon Gun. Announcement: One online insert to attend Megan Choritz Tarot reading with the author Dr. Myer Taub. The viewer attends this facebook page on the first day of the festival and is a witness to Taub's visit. From this first virtual encounter the viewer will receive clues that encourage experiences going on a treasure hunt across the world only using google earth and a device to watch four daily live virtual inserts presented in sequence.
On-going during Festival | From 11 June: Online Digital Works | & Social media |